(English)The 7th annual Korea Black Belt Center Presidential Taekwondo Championship 'BEST OF THE BEST' > 공지사항(Notice)


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(English)The 7th annual Korea Black Belt Center Presidential Taekwondo…


  • 등록일 14-11-11
  • 조회24,784회


International Martial Arts Federation
The 7th 'BEST OF THE BEST' Korea Black Belt Center Presidential Taekwondo Championship
The 7th annual BEST OF THE BEST national Taekwondo championship will be hosted here.
- Title of the event: The 7th annual BEST OF THE BEST national Taekwondo championship
- Dates: from Sat. Dec. 13 to Sun. Dec. 14, 2014
- Venue: Sokcho Youth Training Center, Gangwon-do, Korea
- Hosted by: International Martial Arts Federation
- Directed by: Korea Black Belt Center
- Sponsored by: City of Sokcho, Chun Ahn LOGISTICS, TAEYANG SUSAN, Yong-In Univ. Credit System of Martial Arts Department, World Taekwon Skipping Rope Association, World Youth Taekwondo Federation
International Martial Arts Federation
Chief Staff: Kim, Dong Hyun Director: Ha, Myung Ho President: Choi, Ryung Geun
Conduct : I.T.F. & K.B.B.C.(2014-08-08.)
Registration : KBBC, 3rd FL, 126-2 Jungjadong, Bungdanggu, Sungnamshi, Gyunggido 463-834
Phone : 82-31-717-2853, 82-10-8805-1130 fax : 82-303-3130-1408 e-mail: kbbc@live.co.kr
Sokcho BBC will be excluded from the prize money ranking
Team Awards
1. The 1st team with the most participants: Trophy, Certificate of Award, and KRW300,000
2. The best sparring team awards.
(5 divisions each: Gr.1&2, Gr.3&4, Gr.5&6, Gr.7,8,&9, Gr.10,11&12.)
1st Place: Trophy, Certificate of Award, and KRW300,000
2nd Place: Trophy, Certificate of Award, and KRW150,000
3rd Place: Trophy, Certificate of Award, and KRW100,000
3. The best Poomse team awards
1st Place: Trophy, Certificate of Award, and KRW600,000
2nd Place: Trophy, Certificate of Award, and KRW300,000
3rd Place: Trophy, Certificate of Award, and KRW100,000
4. The best 3 to 3 group sparring awards
(5 divisions each: Gr.1&2, Gr.3&4, Gr.5&6, Gr.7,8,&9, Gr.10,11&12.)
1st Place: Trophy, Certificate of Award, and KRW300,000
2nd Place: Trophy, Certificate of Award, and KRW150,000
3rd Place: Trophy, Certificate of Award, and KRW100,000
The medals of 3 to 3 group sparring competition will also be counted to the best sparring team awards.
5. The best Taekwon-Aerobics awards
1st Place: Trophy, Certificate of Award, and KRW150,000
2nd Place: Trophy, Certificate of Award, and KRW100,000
3rd Place: Trophy, Certificate of Award, and Medal
Individual Awards
Sparring - 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place of each division : Certificate of Award and Medal
Poomse - 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place of each division : Certificate of Award and Medal
The points of medals in individual competitions will only be collected from league A.
Sparring Competition
1. Title : The 7th Annual BEST OF THE BEST National Taekwondo Championship
2. Dates : from Dec. 13 to 14, 2014 (Sat to Sun)
Begins at 10:30
3. Venue : Sokcho Youth Training Center, Gangwon-do, Korea
4. Competition Outline
1) Competitors : Kinder, elementary, middle, and high school players who can compete according to the Taekwondo rules.
2) Division : Individuals and Groups
3) Rules : Any colors of uniforms and belts are acceptable for the competition.
-Individual competitors will follow KTF tournament rules.
The Sparring competitions will be divided into league A and league B.
League A - All the league A competitors will play with the KP&P electronic scoring system.
The points of medals will be collected for the best team awards as follows.
Total Points
1st place: 30 points
2nd place: 15 points
3rd place: 5 points
The video replay system will be provided.
League B - it will have a maximum of 4 competitors in each division. The points of medals from league B will not be counted for the best team awards.(Electronic scoring systems will not be applied)
4) Rounds : Individual competitors will have three - 60 second rounds with 30 second breaks.
In case of as tie score, the winner will be determined by a golden point round and decision.
The winner by decision must receive 2 out of 3 referee points.
5) 3 to 3 group competitions : The group members must compete in the individual Sparring competitions.
The points of medals from group competitions will be collected for the best team awards also.
Each group will have 3 competitors regardless of ages and weight division.(Teams may have more than one group.)
During the first 3 rounds, the first, second, and the leading competitor of each group will play in consecutive order, and for the next round, the competitors may play and be changed freely for 2 minutes. A newly replaced competitor must play at least for 10 seconds. It will not be possible to change competitors for 10 seconds prior to the end of a match.
Gr. 1&2 Gr. 3&4 Gr. 5&6 Gr. 7,8&9 Gr. 10,11,&12
There will be 3rd-place matches.
The competitions will be proceeded with the electronic scoring system. The semi-finals and finals will be proceeded on second day.
6) Weigh-In : Fri. Dec. 12 by 23:00, Sat. Dec. 13 from 7:00 to 10:00
It is mandatory weigh-in. If a competitor does not weigh-in, he/she will be disqualified from the competition. Male competitors will be allowed 300g over in their uniform pants. Female competitors will be allowed 500g over in their uniform pants and short-sleeves.
Weight Division
League A
-There is no gender separation in Gr.1&2 competitions.
-The medal ceremony will be performed after all the competitions of league A are finished.
-30 points for a gold medal, 15 points for a silver medal, and 5 points for a bronze medal will be counted for the best team awards.
Gr. 7,8&9
Under 21kg
Under 28kg
Under 33kg
Under 40kg
Under 41kg
Under 47kg
Under 54kg
경기도 성남시 분당구 정자동 126-2 정자프라자 3층
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